Customs Consultancy

Legal Counseling

International Car Transport and Custom

Tax Free Cars For Foreigners

Relocation Services

Work Permit Consultancy in Turkey

Land Rover Defender Restoration and Export

International Pet Transportation

International Moving Transport and Customs
Don’t hesitate to ask. Shortly 9Ekim Group; investigates, examines, asks questions, receives answers, continuously develops, uses technology, processes official authority, becomes professional in what it does, speaks the same language with clients, gives high priority to personal needs and wants, creates private solutions, provides qualified service. Get to know us more.
Why 9Ekim Group?
Experience since 1993 hundreds of international foreign companies and foreign people reference Institutions want to work with corporate firms. Electronic tracking and online transaction. All services are registered with quality standards and Licensed personnel.
Company Culture
Right Initiative

We have a functional organization.
To get detailed information about all our services, check out our website network.
We Are the Pioneer of the Industry in Our Field
We Have 27 Years of Experience in the Industry. How can we help you?
In addition to relocation services, our company provides services with 27 years of experience in international household goods and vehicle transportation, foreign personnel work permit and residence permit, Taxfreecar® purchase and sale.
Our company is a member of the world’s largest accredited international relocation associations such as Worldwide ERC, EURA, AMSA, IAM in relocation and vital services and T.C. and ,it is a member of the Istanbul Customs Brokers Association, which is affiliated to the Undersecretariat of Customs.

A company that does not outsource any services in the transportation process.
To be positioned in the minds of customers as an institution that provides “fast and result-oriented” services with no outsourcing of any operations.
ISO9001:2008 certificate and quality references.
9Ekim Group of Companies service standards have been taken under quality assurance with the ISO 9001:2008 certificate.
Some of the frequently asked questions.
- Relokasyon, yeniden yerleşme hizmetleri (çalışma izni, oturma izni vs.)
- Uluslararasi evden eve nakliyat (uluslararası ev eşyası taşıma)
- Yabancıdan yabancıya araç alım satımı
- Gümrükleme hizmetleri
Uluslararası nakliyat, diğer adı ile uluslararası taşımacılık; bir eşyanın bir ülkeden diğer ülkeye taşınmasını ifade eder. Uluslararası nakliyat kara, hava ve deniz yolu ile yapılabilir.
9Ekim uluslararası nakliyat alanında sadece evden eve uluslararası eşya taşımacılığı ve uluslararası araç nakliyesi konusunda 20 yılı aşkın geçmişi, grup şirketleri ve seçkin partnerlerin işbirliği ile oluşturduğu dünya çapındaki acente ağı ile hizmet vermektedir.
Oturma iznine Türkiye giriş yasağı olmayan ve bağlı olduğu ülkeye göre Türkiye ye giriş vizesi bulunan yabancılar Türkiye'deki oturum izni çeşitlerinden şartlarına uyan oturum iznini alabilir. İkamet izni çeşitleri ve detayları için www.istanbulrelocation.net sitemizi ziyaret edebilirsiniz.
Türkiye'de yabancıları icra edemeyecekleri mesleklerle ilgili çalışma izni müracaatları değerlendirmeye alınmamaktadır. Örnek olarak; kaptanlık, Basın Kanunu uyarınca periyodik yayınlarda mesul müdürlük, seyahat acentelerinde mesul müdürlük, veterinerlik, eczacılık, avukatlık gibi meslekler kanunlarla sadece Türk vatandaşlarına ait olduğu için, yabancılar bu meslekleri yapabilmelerine yönelik çalışma izni alamazlar.
Didn’t find the answer to the question you were looking for?
We try to update the frequently asked questions as much as possible, in some cases the answers may vary depending on the situation.
You can review our references with reference letters and pictures.
We provide relocation services, international moving of household goods, transportation of personal cars, specialize in work and residence permits for foreign personnel, sale/purchase of Taxfreecar®.

Kenan Sofuoğlu

Efes Pilsen Anadolu Group

Istanbul Trade Chamber
We are the choice when it comes to official proceedings concerning foreign personnel.
Our company inform our customers about the procedure and complete the transaction in due time. Our managers, having lived abroad for a long time, give great importance to build a close relationship with the customers.

Colonel James Selbie
Mario Valdes
Efes Beer Group
Luciano Cagnato
All the Relocation services you need under one roof
We provide relocation services, international moving of household goods, transportation of personal cars, specialize in work and residence permits for foreign personnel, sale/purchase of Taxfreecar®.